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Publication Fee
Starting from volume 15 no 1, 2022,
A. the Jurnal TEKNOKES charges a published paper as is shown below:
The cost paid by:
a. The Indonesia author is Rp 250.000 (IDR)
a. The Indonesia author is Rp 250.000 (IDR)
b. The overseas author (non-Indonesia citizenship) is USD 0 (Free of charge)
B. This cost covers:
1. Similarity Checking by Turnitin. The final result will be sent to the authors.
2. DOI registration for each paper.
3. Grammarly check
4. This cost also includes submitting, peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining, and archiving, and allows immediate access to the full-text versions of the articles.
4. This cost also includes submitting, peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining, and archiving, and allows immediate access to the full-text versions of the articles.
C. Waiver policy
Waiver policy is not applicable. We regret that the publication fees cannot be waived or reduced in any case.